olus2000 avatar

Hi, I'm Aleksander Sabak!

AKA olus2000, AlexMM, Alex Esoposting and alsabak.
I'm computer science enthusiast and a former student of the Warsaw University of Technlology. I'm a language design fan and an amateur chorister. I enjoy niche and weird ways of interacting with computers like esoteric languages, fantasy consoles or unpopular paradigms. My great calling is to spread the word about concatenative programming as the ultimate way of writing software. Currently looking for a job, so if you think you could use an experienced python developer feel free to message me at my work-related email: [email protected].

Projects & stuff:

Hosted here:

Funny people:

If you want to put me in your box use the magic glyphs:
<a href="https://olus2000.pl"><img src="https://olus2000.pl/static/logo/olus_button.gif"></a>